May 12th is International Nurses' Day (IND) and this year has at its centre the responsibility and opportunity nurses have to improve the health of population and the need worldwide for enough highly skilled nurses to ensure quality of care …
In 2013 we started to make real progress in raising the profile of nurses' and midwives' work in improving and protecting people’s heath and in 2014 I want to aim for an even higher profile. We are demonstrating how we are …
The Public Health Nursing teams at DH and PHE thank everyone who has been involved with our week of action on the impact nursing, midwifery and health visiting has in improving and protecting the public's health 6Cs Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage …
When Compassion in Practice was published in December last year, I knew it was not going to be a document to gather dust. The vision and strategy for nurses, midwives and care staff was crafted by Jane Cummings, chief nursing …
Career choice is one of the most important decisions in anyone’s life; we know career choices amongst young people can be influenced by so many factors including life experiences, family and peers. Within nursing we know that we need the …
Last year I read a couple of great books that really made me think and focussed my mind on new ways of looking at the world. One of those books...
Care is our business, and providing care in community settings - closer to home for our vulnerable and frail elderly population is clearly a priority for us all, but one particularly for district nursing services. We also need to remember …
At the end of the year and as we approach a new one, I have been reflecting on nurses and midwives contribution to 'the public's health': What have we achieved in 2012 and what are the opportunities for 2013? In …
Drawing on contributions and input from around 9,000 nurses, midwives care staff and patients, we are delighted to launch Compassion in Practice, the new three-year plan. Our enduring values for high quality care and good health and wellbeing are set …
Thank you for all the helpful comments on the Nursing & Midwifery Vision and Strategy and to those who participated in WeNurses Tweetchat last week. Those taking part felt that more information to inform tomorrow's Tweetchat in respect of 'action …