NHS Change Day is 3rd March and in the build up to that date nurses and midwives, along with other health professionals, are being urged to commit to a pledge to make a difference. To help bring the objectives of our week of action on Health Protection together with the aims of NHS Change Day we have submitted a campaign pledge to their webpage. To sign up to our pledge follow this link Protecting Health Pledge or to visit the webpage click on this button
Below is a more detailed description behind our pledge, which limited space prevented us adding in full to the Campaign page. Can I urge you to visit their website and commit to our pledge or alternatively make your own individual or organisational pledge - if it relates to health protection all the better!
Campaign Description:
Protecting the health of patients and communities is an essential element of nursing and midwifery and makes a significant contribution to improving population resilience and thus improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities. However, this vital work is often invisible, only coming into view when something goes wrong – e.g., a disease outbreak due to low immunisation or a HCAI. This campaign aims to make the invisible visible so that we can:
• Understand the importance of interventions at patient, community and population level to protect health and build resilience and use this to inform our practice
• Celebrate the successes in health protection
• Identify the main challenges and ensure that nurses and midwives are prepared for these – e.g., new immunisation programmes and the National Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) strategy
• Ensure that nurses and midwives contribution to protecting heath is valued and supported
• Support all nurses and midwives in making the best possible contribution to health protection in all specialities and in all settings
In conjunction with our week of action dedicated to raising the profile of health protection and sharing good practice, this campaign calls upon all nurses and midwives to commit to supporting ‘vital and visible health protection practice,’ to keep patients safe and build population resilience.
As well as this campaign pledge we hope to encourage people to make a daily pledge on individual health protection issues such as AMR, immunisation and TB. We aim to get 1000 pledges for our main campaign.
To sign our pledge go to: Protecting Health Campaign Pledge