Health visiting services have undergone rapid growth and transformation. We have found that knowledge and understanding of the service has not always kept up and health visitors and partners wanted a simple way of encompassing the reach and impact of services. So enter the 4 5 6 model! Throughout the national programme we have described the scope of the health visiting service as a 4 tier offer and we have identified 5 universal reviews to be delivered (and mandated for 18 months). Health visitors, managers and commissioners all need to be able to evidence and measure impact of services and for this we developed the 6 high impact areas
The model is shown below, together with a recent article by the Community Practitioner journal which includes a helpful description of the model (with many thanks to for allowing us to use their article).
Please share this model with your colleagues and organisation.
Link to a PDF version of 4 5 6 Model
Link to Community Practitioner article: CommunityPractitionerMarch15_P14
Viv Bennett is the Director of Nursing at Public Health England and the Department of Health